Friday, October 31, 2014

Passing Out Candy - Superhero Elliott

The kids were all very excited for trick-or-treating this evening. There were some last minute costume changes and Julia ended up being Cinderella, Ethan was a ninja (he was going to be a dragon), Christian was a knight, Elliott was a lion (he was almost a fireman), and Agnes was a penguin. We all went out for about 30 minutes and knocked on doors up and down our street. But then Agnes started to get a little fussy. Our original plan was for Rebecca to take just Agnes home and I was going to continue on with the other four. However, Elliott informed us that he had a stinky diaper so he joined Rebecca and Agnes at home. I was a little worried that after he got his diaper changed he would be expecting to go back out, but that didn't end up being the case at all.

Each year we usually get way too much candy, so rather than buy a bunch at the store and having some leftovers from that too, we just pass out some of the candy that we picked up from the first shift. We also start with the suckers, Jolley Ranchers, gum, and other sticky candy so we have fewer messes at home. Rebecca told me that Elliott had no problem passing out the candy that he had just got to the trick-or-treaters that came to our door. Pretty impressive for a 2-year-old! We all share the candy as a family anyway, but I don't know if he realized that when he was giving his away.

Elliott is my superhero today for sharing his candy with strangers.

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