Friday, October 31, 2014

Popcorn Sharing - Superhero Julia

Every Friday we have a family tradition of watching a movie together and eating popcorn. At Julia and Ethan's school they also sell bags of popcorn at 50 cents per bag on Fridays. Ethan hasn't really been interested in the school popcorn that much, but Julia talks about it almost every Friday. I could understand if they ate it in class and she wanted some so she could fit in and eat it with everyone else, but they just hand it to the kids as the walk out of the classroom door at the end of the day. So, we have had plenty of talks with her about how she can have as much popcorn as she wants at home and how we make our huge bowls full on Friday all for about 5 cents, and the bags are so tiny in comparison. Still, she has continued to want that school popcorn each and every week.

Since Julia (7) is always polite in asking for for the school popcorn and since she has been willing to pay her own money, today we finally gave the okay. I can imagine how excited she was to receive it as she was standing in line waiting to come home. When Rebecca picked her up she had her popcorn in her hands and she was smiling from ear to ear. She held that popcorn close until she made it home and then called her siblings around to share. She ended up probably eating less of it than her brothers, but she was still so happy.

Julia is my superhero today for sharing her hard-earned (not just because she had to spend her own money, but also because it took her months to convince mom and dad) popcorn with her siblings.

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