Monday, October 13, 2014

Sharing Sandwiches - Superhero Elliott

I know Rebecca has a whole food system worked out with the kids, but I forgot to ask her the exact times on it all. Christian and Elliott were busy playing this morning and I was trying to do a little work from home, so I ended up missing the morning snacks. When I finally realized what I had done, it was already 12:15 - which I think is a whole hour after Christian and Elliott usually eat lunch. I am sure they were both starved.

We ended up doing tuna fish sandwiches at Christian's request. I made one for myself and one for Elliott and Christian to share. While I was making them on the counter, I asked Christian and Elliott to get in their seats. I first brought over Elliott's (2) half, cut into two pieces. I guess he didn't see that I had more that I hadn't brought over yet, because as soon as I turned around he held up one of his pieces and said "Christian, do you want one?"

Elliott is my superhero today for offering part of his sandwich to his brother.

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