Monday, October 6, 2014

F.H.E. Helper - Superhero Ethan

Every Monday we get together as a family for a family night. This usually includes a short gospel lesson, reading the scriptures, some games, and dessert. To help get everyone involved we usually rotate through assignments. Tonight, Ethan (6) was in charge of the lesson. As we planned it out I had lots of good ideas to share with him, but he kept turning them down. Then he told me that he wanted to do something that everyone would think was fun (I thought all my ideas were fun). With that requirement in mind we were able to come up with some activities that taught about faith (falling backward from a chair), repentance (we couldn't think of anything for that so Ethan just described the process), baptism (practiced to get Julia ready for her baptism in just over a month), the Gift of the Holy Ghost (Ethan held up a gift bag and had people guess what gift it was as he described the blessings of the Holy Ghost), and enduring to the end (we did wall squats - I was the first to give up).

Ethan is my superhero today for not just sharing a good lesson, but for thinking about what his brothers and sisters might enjoy.

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