Saturday, October 25, 2014

Finishing The Book of Mormon - Superhero Christian

As a family we try to read scriptures every night before we head to bed. When the kids were younger we would read the children's illustrated scriptures that are put out by The Church. However, last Christmas we decided that we wanted to start reading the actual scriptures, starting with the Book of Mormon. To help excite the kids, we set a goal that if we finished the entire Book of Mormon by the end of the year we would go out to eat as a family. Yesterday we made it through the sixth chapter of Moroni (the last book in the Book of Mormon). With only four chapters remaining, the kids asked if we could read them all this afternoon. 

We then had a conversation about where we should go. Some of the ideas included Golden Corral, Red Robin, Moose's Tooth (a pizza place), McDonalds, and Texas Roadhouse. After a lengthy discussion about the advantages of each, we decided to take a vote. Julia and Ethan voted for Golden Corral, Rebecca and Christian voted for Texas Roadhouse, and I voted for either one of those two. Given the tie, we had people share what they liked about both of those options. In the end, Christian (4) said that he would switch his vote. We rarely go out to eat (maybe once a year) and so for someone to give up their top choice is really a big deal. At Golden Corral they all had a great time filling up on cotton candy, ice cream, marshmallows dipped in chocolate, gummy bears, macaroni and cheese, french fries, and a few salad items (in that order).

Christian is my superhero today for sacrificing his top choice of restaurants.

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