Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pray for Your Enemies - Superhero Christian

Christian (4) sometimes says some pretty funny prayers. For example, he wants to make sure he covers everything and everyone in his prayers, but he often wants to do it as efficiently as possible. Some common things that he might say are "thank you for everything inside our house and everything outside our house" or "please bless everyone in our family and bless everyone who is not in our family" or "please bless all of the good guys and all of the bad guys." Tonight he was asked to say a prayer for dinner. In that prayer he said "please bless all the people I don't like" and "thank your for all of the people I don't like." He has never talked about not liking someone in the past, so I am not really sure who all he was referring to. Whoever they might be though, at least they are blessed.

Christian is my superhero today for thinking about others in his prayers.

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