Monday, November 17, 2014

Broccoli for Dessert? - Superhero Elliott

I am playing catch up on a few of these, but at least I am still getting them in.

For Family Home Evening on Monday, Rebecca prepared a great lesson on honesty. Our children do a really good job on this one most of the time, but it is always good to have a few reminders. We wanted to start the lesson by having the children learn how it feels when someone is not honest with you; so in preparing for the lesson, we told all the children that we would have a dessert right at the beginning. They were super excited! Then, as it was time to start, Rebecca went in to the kitchen and brought out a bag of broccoli and said "here is the dessert." At first Julia, Ethan, and Christian made questioning looks, but then the confused looks turned to tears, and then complaints of "you lied to us." So although we were able to get the point across, unfortunately, midst all of the tears, I think the main message that they got was that mom and dad lie to us (in Rebecca's defense, at the end of the lesson she did bring out a yummy dessert to everyone's satisfaction).  Contrary to everyone else's reactions, when Rebecca brought out the broccoli, Elliott started shouting "yay!"

Elliott is my superhero today for being a good sport and believing that whatever dessert mom and dad have for him is awesome.

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