Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sharing Pizza - Superheros Julia and Ethan

Our kids' school has a rewards program for reading books on a monthly basis. At the most recent assembly, Julia and Ethan each got two Pizza hut coupons for free personal pan pizzas. Rebecca was away at the temple this morning and the sun was shining, so we decided to walk to Pizza Hut to use the coupons. At first, Julia and Ethan came up with the great idea that they would each give a coupon to Elliott and Christian, so everyone could have a whole pizza. Knowing that that plan would probably end with leftovers that I would be tempted to eat, I suggested that we just use two coupons and they could each have a half. Julia and Ethan were happy with that and so off we went. The pizza place is only about a mile away. We have a jogging stroller that can fit three and so I thought the walk would be no problem. However, after getting all bundled up and outside, I discovered that I left the jogging stroller in the car. That meant that only Agnes would get to ride in our backup umbrella stroller, and Julia, Ethan, Christian, and Elliott would all have to walk. Without my asking they paired up and Julia took responsibility for Elliott and Ethan for Christian. Throughout the walk the older ones watched over Elliott and Christian to keep them safe and cheered them on to motivate them to walk faster. It was great to see them helping.

Julia (8) and Ethan (6) are my superheros today for sharing their pizzas and for watching over their younger brothers.

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