Saturday, September 27, 2014

Vegetable Sharing - Superhero Christian

We had a couple young moose come visit our back yard this afternoon. I was headed out to the garden to pick the last of our rhubarb when I saw some big brown things start to move around by the side of our deck. It had been a while since we had last had moose in our yard, so it took me by surprise - I think my initial thought were that it must be a bear or Sasquatch or something. Once I realized what it was I called all the kids out and from the second floor deck we safely watched them walk around eating our bushes. They eventually made it to our peas and a cheer erupted from the kids. Then Christian suggested that we go get some of our carrots to feed them. Now you may think that he was trying to see what other vegetables he could get rid of, but our kids actually love carrots.

Christian is my superhero today for kindly wanting to share our carrots with the moose.

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