Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Great Sharer - Superhero Elliott

We received a package in the mail today from Rebecca's parents. Inside it included some lollipops and mini boxes of Dots. Every year at Halloween time Rebecca tells me about how growing up she could savor her bag of candy through Christmas. I on the other hand would be lucky to make it through the week. Unfortunately our kids take after me and if they were left unsupervised they would just eat until they were sick.

As a side note - The difference of opinion/habits between me and Rebecca is always a small source of contention in our home. For example, she wants to donate the kids candy every year (their school has a trade in program), but I want to let them (and me) eat it as they please. As another example, we sometimes get some nice bar of chocolate from her parents. While she can be satisfied with one piece in a single night, I (as she put it the other night) "munch down the pieces like they are popcorn".

Back to the kids - we told them they could have one piece when they opened the package and one piece after dinner. After dinner Ethan picked a lollipop, but he really wanted to try a Dot too. After he unsuccessfully tried to get Julia to trade one Dot for one lick, he turned to Elliott who happily said okay. I was about to intercede and say that it wasn't a fair trade, but I saw that Elliott was just happy that he could do something nice for his big brother.

Today, Elliott is my superhero for making a trade to help his brother be happy.

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