Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Kind Playmate - Superhero Agnes

One of Rebecca's friends is out of town for the week and so Rebecca and I offered to watch their two sweet children for a couple of days while their dad is at work (it is really all Rebecca watching them, but I am working from home these two days so I can be an extra set of eyes and hands if she needs them). Having the two kids over actually works out well because their oldest is a boy that is right in between Christian's and Ethan's age and their youngest is a girl that is just a couple of months older than Agnes. So although every once in a while there is a conflict over the toys or which games to play, for the most part they all get along great.

The day started off with some Duplos. Agnes (10 months) isn't mobile yet, so she just sat and played with the few that were around her. Our friends' daughter on the other hand is mobile, and she was crawling all over the place. When she saw Agnes with the Duplos she must have thought they looked fun because she crawled right over and grabbed one out of her hand. I thought Agnes was going to cry (that is what she usually does when her brothers take something from her), but instead she just picked up a new one and started playing with it. A little bit later, the other girl had dropped her Duplo and came over to grab the new one that Agnes was holding. This time Agnes held it out to give it to her. Then Agnes picked up another one and with a smile, held it out to give it to her as well.

Today Agnes is my superhero for doing a great job sharing with our guests.

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