Friday, September 26, 2014

Pushing Up the Hill - Superhero Julia

So today's post is actually a kind act that happened earlier this week. (I know, I am supposed to post about something from today, but it is late, I want to go to bed, and I have a hard time thinking when I am tired.) We were on a walk and the four oldest kids all wanted to ride their bicycles. While Julia and Ethan can go pretty fast, Elliott's is one that has to be pushed and for some reason Christian picked out a little tricycle to use. We came to a medium sized hill and Julia and Ethan zoomed right on up. However, there was no way that Christian was going to make it up. Rebecca was pushing Elliott and I was pushing Agnes, so when he asked for help I told that he would have to get off and walk. But before he did, Julia hopped off her bike, ran down the hill, and pushed him all the way up.

Julia is my superhero today (really Wednesday) for helping her brother make it up the hill.

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