Friday, August 22, 2014

Compliments on the Ride to School - Superhero Ethan

We have been taking advantage of the recent nice weather in Anchorage by riding our bikes to school in the morning. Although Ethan (6) doesn't actually start until next week, he has been wanting to wake up early and come along as we drop Julia off. Today as we were riding along we came to a hill where the kids usually have to get off and walk their bikes. Because my bike is in pretty bad shape (it has been through three Anchorage winters with daily rides to work), I can only make it part way up the hill as well before my chain starts slipping. Today I got about half way up before I had to get off and walk. When I did start walking I heard Ethan shout from the bottom of the hill "Great job Dad! Way to go!" I didn't even know he was paying attention, but it felt really good to have him cheer me on for making it as far as I did. We continued our ride to school, dropped Julia off, and then started the trip home. We usually do a race at the end and Ethan is always able to squeak out a win. Today, when I pulled in to our driveway right behind him he said "Great job dad, you were really close today."

Ethan is my superhero today for how considerate he was with sharing those compliments and trying to make me feel special.

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