Monday, August 25, 2014

A Great Friend - Superhero Christian

Of all of our children, Christian (4) is the one who plays by himself the most. With a bucket of Legos or Duplos he could easily occupy himself for hours. But, he is also really good at playing with his siblings. With Julia and Ethan he often happily goes along with whatever games they may want to play, even if it means attending a tea party. And with Elliott he does a great job letting him tag along as he plays out scenes from Harry Potter or Star Wars.

Lately, Ethan has been having a rough time - we think he may be a little worried about starting first grade soon. Today, Christian was playing with him and he was starting to get a little too rough. Each time Christian got hurt or was not treated fairly, he came and told me and I had a talk with Ethan. I know I would have given up after a while and found something else to do, but each time when Ethan would say sorry and invite Christian to play with him again, Christian would give him another chance. Christian's application of the seventy times seven rule (see Matthew 18: 21-22) ended up softening Ethan up some and they ended up having a really good time playing together before dinner.

For being so forgiving while playing with his brother, Christian is my superhero today.

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